Mark twain once said that the human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter. Humour is the most infectious thing in the world. It is also a medicine for the soul. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and creates joy and intimacy between them. A great sense of humour is the best way to connect with the world around you. One must learn to enjoy the lighter side of life to come out as a winner in any difficult situation. We believe that the humour can transform this world into a beautiful and heavenly place to live.


Angels of love
All we need, is just some peace
As we have, it in our zeal
A single word can make a thought
As we have brought, so many thoughts

In lakiro me kuch aisa bhi ho
Ho jaaye duniya, phulon ka dariya
Us dariya me ek kashti ho
Lejaye hame vaha..........

Chorus (Where we live for love we can make u smile)
(We are angels of GGS- (Sing Twice)

Manavta ki pukar sun le fir daata Dar dhunya se dur kar de
We don't need to make war
Just want to touch the stars
Take the violence away so far
Us sarhad ke par bhi to hai ek sansar
Sab ke suro ko ek kar de
Let's just pray to the God for humanity for all
Spread the drizzling of respect to all religions
Hai bhashaen kitni sath, kitne dharm or ye jaat
Sab ko nek bana aur ek bana aur le chal vaha

Sing Chorus.......... Where we live for love.......... Angles of GGS-2


Our Father in Heaven
Holy be your name. Your kingdom come

Your wiII be done, on earth as it is

In heaven, Give us today as our daily bread
Forgive us for our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us,
Do not bring us to the test but deliver us from evil


India is My Country, All Indians are my
brothers and sisters.

I love my country and I am proud of
Its rich and varied heritage. I shall always
strive to be worthy of it.

I shall give my parents, teachers
and all elders respect and treat everyone
with courtesy.

To my country and my people,
I pledge my devotion. In their
well-being and prosperity alone, lies
my happiness.